The word Enwakenment means being awake in your sleep and therefore having the mental ability to dictate the physical laws of your dream world and the events that occur therein. This is also a level of mastery that you can bring into your non-sleep or secondary dream state.
Your secondary dream state correlates to the Beta brainwave. This is a state of arousal, eyelids open, words gushing out of your mouth periodically, thoughts rivaling reality or clear-sightedness, you’re mind crocked in heavy doses of narcotic ambiguity and the inability to choose. Instead, you worry and speculate and decide based on your genetic predisposition and what can hence forth be regarded as a flurry of childish mistakes made against a dangerously limited palette.
What you don’t see is that your illuminated core is impressed with multiple layers of insoluble grime and a dense protective film, or unmet horror and pain. This cloaks you from knowing; it fetters and asphyxiates your primal voice, as well as the capacity to access depths of stillness and grace bestowed upon you at birth.
No brainwave disappears. Trace levels of all other states are ever present surrounding the momentarily dominant one. Your brain is always on. Do you think that because you close your eyes you stop seeing? No, you see darkness, or colors, a reddish brown, for instance. And after much boredom, random or directed dream images appear, or else strange impersonal events play out before you, or memories de-coagulate or reassemble. Whatever the case, your synapses fire helplessly and images occur. We exist in a constant stream of dark and light. The calamity there is that you’ve narrowed your existential bandwidth to the equivalent of the space between thumb and forefinger. A lot can happen within those given parameters: the extant physical world is on parade; molecular science is zeroing in on zero point energy where the non-physical meets or generates geometry, or forms and substance; from there the universe at large unfurls in linear progressions, computations are made, laws drawn up, contracts agreed upon, freedoms trumped, controls insinuated into the mechanical mind and you are made small by your surroundings, its inhabitants and your and their genetic tree: you are not the tree or the flower but the instantaneous flowering, you’re the sudden projection of causeless non-mind. But you’ve been led to believe otherwise. Science, religion…any delegate of thought or mind is false, just as your dreams are false.
Let me sum up: you’re an indication: nothing more or less.
The Enwakenment Process
The word Enwakenment means being awake in your sleep and therefore having the mental ability to dictate the physical laws of your dream world and the events that occur therein. This is also a level of mastery that you can bring into your non-sleep or secondary dream state.
Your secondary dream state correlates to the Beta brainwave. This is a state of arousal, eyelids open, words gushing out of your mouth periodically, thoughts rivaling reality or clear-sightedness, you’re mind crocked in heavy doses of narcotic ambiguity and the inability to choose. Instead, you worry and speculate and decide based on your genetic predisposition and what can hence forth be regarded as a flurry of childish mistakes made against a dangerously limited palette.
What you don’t see is that your illuminated core is impressed with multiple layers of insoluble grime and a dense protective film, or unmet horror and pain. This cloaks you from knowing; it fetters and asphyxiates your primal voice, as well as the capacity to access depths of stillness and grace bestowed upon you at birth.
No brainwave disappears. Trace levels of all other states are ever present surrounding the momentarily dominant one. Your brain is always on. Do you think that because you close your eyes you stop seeing? No, you see darkness, or colors, a reddish brown, for instance. And after much boredom, random or directed dream images appear, or else strange impersonal events play out before you, or memories de-coagulate or reassemble. Whatever the case, your synapses fire helplessly and images occur. We exist in a constant stream of dark and light. The calamity there is that you’ve narrowed your existential bandwidth to the equivalent of the space between thumb and forefinger. A lot can happen within those given parameters: the extant physical world is on parade; molecular science is zeroing in on zero point energy where the non-physical meets or generates geometry, or forms and substance; from there the universe at large unfurls in linear progressions, computations are made, laws drawn up, contracts agreed upon, freedoms trumped, controls insinuated into the mechanical mind and you are made small by your surroundings, its inhabitants and your and their genetic tree: you are not the tree or the flower but the instantaneous flowering, you’re the sudden projection of causeless non-mind. But you’ve been led to believe otherwise. Science, religion…any delegate of thought or mind is false, just as your dreams are false.
Let me sum up: you’re an indication: nothing more or less.
How does this differ from lucid dreaming?